Sunday 28 July 2013

The Future... Casper Zazz

Casper Zazz, cool name, I know.
This trio who reign from the heart of Melbourne are gradually climbing up the hierarchy of well known producers in Australia. They have been heavily likened to Flume and really their personal history resonates very well. These three sixteen year olds have already launched their first EP Moons and with their hit single Make Believe are already getting strong publicity from the likes of Triple J, respected musicians and well known bloggers.

Getting to our point, their new remix of Safia's- Stretched and Faded has quite clearly shown the public, how serious this trio is going to be. The song has layers of pure and eccentric harmonies, whilst incorporating the slow and soothing vocal's from the lead singer of safia. This song is getting quick and vast attention from bloggers all around Australia, and trust us it wont stop there.

We also rarely harp on the age of producers and artist's in the industry, however, for the trio of Casper Zazz to be only at the age of 16, it is scary to see how industrious these boys will become through the gaining of experience and maturity.

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